Director:  Rachel Immaraj

Genre:  Documentary 

World Premiere:  April 3, 2025

Many people assume obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) revolves around excessive handwashing, perfectionism, and flipping light switches. This simplified description barely skims the surface of this disorder. An Unquiet Mind sheds light on a sinister side of OCD that many sufferers are too afraid to speak about.  

Vinay works for the Center for Popular Democracy in New York. Shortly after September 11, 2001, Vinay’s OCD was triggered. He started visualizing images of death. and of him harming people everywhere. He deeply feared himself and questioned his belonging in the world. Vinay became suicidal, and was eventually hospitalized. Vinay struggles with harm OCD. 

Natasha is a joyful and lively woman who lives in California with her two kids. Behind her carefree persona, she struggles with obsessions that manifest as intrusive, unwanted thoughts about physically and sexually harming her loved ones – specifically her children. Natasha struggled deeply with post-partum OCD after becoming a mother, and struggles with pedophilia OCD to this day.